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Get Creating

                                                     “Get Creating”

Creativity for so many of us is one of the most beautiful things that happened during the global disruption. A lot of people used their time very well and sought solace through creativity. It’s so good for our souls to use our imagination and create in some way. It’s not about perfection; it’s all about expression, that’s the purpose of creativity. We all have creativity within us and using it helps give our life more meaning and happiness.

The first step is to identify what you’re interested in, begin exploring and uncovering what you enjoy.   Some of you might choose to write, bake, interior design, build, floral design, do photography, or garden, the choices are endless. Do a search on Google for “hobbies” and discover seemingly never ending options. Once you find something or decide to go back to what you have enjoyed before you now need to make time for it. It may move and vary but beginning is a must. It’s all about expressing ourselves and having the freedom to play, have fun, letting go and seeing where it all takes you. It’s a beautiful unveiling our image through inspired expression.   

Creativity opens our heart and allows us to express what lives within us.  It improves our overall health and well being and aids our mental health, anxiety, and combats sleeplessness. It has also been known to reduce dementia, depression and help cope with isolation and loneliness. Being creative opens the door to new possibilities and your life will become a playground again. If you’re feeling lost or your smile has vanished I encourage you to get going and get creating, you’ll feel wonderfully alive again.

And finally another benefit from getting creative is that often through connection we find our life’s purpose. Sometimes your creativeness will purely be for enjoyment and pleasure, but other times our soul’s intention will come through your engagement. Whichever the case creativity is an abundance of delight for our souls and our life is far more delightful with it. Find your bliss and get creating, your life will thank you for it.

God bless



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